T.S. Evdokimova, A.A. Sinodkin, L.O. Fedosova, M.I. Tyrikov

Algorithm for constructing a global trajectory of traffic and planning of the automatic parking route of the self-driving car

The article presents the methods of constructing the path of movement of the self-driving car in an environment with obstacles, for solving the problem of finding the path of movement of a nonholonomic vehicle in an environment with obstacles. The article describes a combined approach and considers individual components that allow solving the problem of planning the path of a nonholonomic vehicle. An example of the practical use of the combined approach for solving the problem of planning the path of movement of the self-driving car is given.

Keywords: Self-driving car, A * algorithm, Hybrid A * algorithm, Voronoi diagram, Unity, Bresenham’s line algorithm, potential field method, Voronoi field, trajectory construction.

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